Thursday, December 21, 2017
This is Photo Writing
The Roar of the Flames
Metal shrieking as it bent
Screams from the wounded
Orders barked out from officers of the rescuers
Smoke concealing everything
Confusion abounds as sailors scream for help
Panic as the water rises
desperate attempts at rescue
Crippling our Navy
A Cheap shot
An unexpected attack
Revenge will come
A stroke of Luck
Saved our Carriers
With them the lost will be Avenged
Prepare for The Giant
The Sleeping Giant has been Awoken.
Photo of the Millenium
A picture of bravery, a selfless act, a defiant act. He stood against impossible odds, against a force that could have killed him. He risked his life to stand, to stand against oppression. The tank man, who feared not tanks but what would happen if he didn't stand. He was an example of the true courage of a man fighting for something that he believed in. If we could only have more people with the courage to do actions like this. Oppression would be stamped out. What could stand against millions of people with the courage to stand and to simply say no. No I will not stand for this, no we will not do that, no you will treat them well. All its takes is one to inspire to lead to change. This man was a symbol, a symbol that all good people should seek to emulate in out everyday lives. If this man can stand up to tanks with little more than the clothes on his back and a grocery bag, what is stopping you from standing up for yourself against your problems. It's a simple action to stand, but it is difficult to do. To be willing to risk it all, just for what you believe in is something that not very many people are willing to do, when it's so easy to compromise and keep it all. A quote comes to mind "The whole world will tell you to move, your job is too plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world no you move." That quote comes from Captain America, and I think it fits this situation perfectly. One man decided that day that he was going to tell the world to move.
Final Blog Post
- I did the Harris Burdick story which was my first attempt at any kind of horror writing, and I thought it went well. I wrote the object story about a hunter trying to change the world but he failed. I wrote the color story which really helped me with my descriptions and how detailed they could get. I wrote the children's book and I was really concerned that it wouldn't be very good, but I was pleasantly surprised in how well it came out.
- One that sticks out is Carson's story about his grandfather who was a mail man, the way it was written it made me feel that I almost knew who he was writing about. Then Isaiah's Harris Burdick stories had really interesting and funny ideas that I would love to read more about.
- Setting up the blog was a new experience for me, I was a little bit concerned at first that I wasn't going to have the technical know how, but as I started to explore it I realized how easy it was to use. I got the name for my blog because I think, it describes a goal for my writing I want it to be thunderous, I want it to shake people up and when they get done reading I want it to echo within them, I want it to be something that they think about for a while. I don't know if I'm going to keep using it, but if I did I would probably put more of the sci-fi fantasy stuff that I really like to write on it.
- The things that are in my journal are ideas I want to come back to later, my thoughts on certain subjects, self reflections. and short stories that I've written to relieve my frustrations, I would only want people that I fully trust to read my journal and understand what I'm trying to say. I will definitely continue to journal just because of the value of being able to keep good ideas I think of, and it's a great stress reliever for me.
- Stubborn, Arrogant, hates being told he can't do something. Always wearing his armor, never running. Brutally honest, excepts no coddling, can be cold and not tolerate of things he see's as weakness.
- The violent summer thunderstorm, but only when I lose my temper, I am the cold winter night hiding the warm cozy cabin within.
- The Hunter brushed past a large oak tree. He suddenly stopped bent down and stared intently at the ground as if he was reading a book. He slowly stood, apparently satisfied with what he saw, he then took a deep breath and continued on to his hunt. He knew that his prey was close, He knew not how his prey continued to elude him. This was no mere buck, this was the Spirit of the Forest. He hunted not out of necessity but out of challenge. Change was coming and he was it's harbinger.He was exhausted of the endless cycle, never changing always chained to the past and traditions: the old way, no innovation, and seemingly no better way. He was determined he was going to change things, he would spark a cataclysmic shift that would see him remembered by the tribes forever. They would speak of his actions for endless generations.He continued to move and track, staying vigilant and always moving, until finally he came upon a clearing and found the Spirit waiting for him, in the guise of the mighty buck. The Hunter approached head held high, bow strung and ready. “Why have you hunted me O’ Hunter of the tribes.” the Spirit asked. “I seek change.” The Hunter replied.“I see.” The Spirit continued “Take my life and realize your folly.”The Spirit stood proudly as the Hunter drew back his bow. His hands trembled as he drew the bow back. As he exhaled he released, the arrow flow straight and true into the buck's massive chest. The Spirit fell to the ground with out a sound. The hunter stood frozen in disbelief unable to grasp what he had done. He whipped around as he heard a deep rumbling laugh. It was coming from a mountainous bear. "I told you mortal." the bear said. I am the forest I have been here for a thousand eons, and I'll be here for a thousand more." the bear continued "Realize the futility of your pitiful attempt at change, nature changes for no man." He now understood his folly. He had not broken the endless cycle, the ever turning wheel of time, he had simply continued its turn. He had failed. He wept bitterly. He had failed change would not be coming to anything. He had only helped that which he hated. He knew not what he would do. When he finally was resigned to live in the old ways, the only way he thought bitterly. He began the journey to his home. The Hunter stumbled into the camp of his tribe, the Elders looked upon him with a knowing gaze. He looked back with a despair that broke the hearts of all who looked upon him. He now understood their condemnations of his actions, he knew why they had called out to him telling him that this hunt was foolish. He finally spoke “Why must we live like this?”They replied with one bitter voice “Would you show us a better way?”
- I eventually want to write my own book, and I think I'll continue to write short stories, maybe I'll even submit a few into competitions I don't know. Writing creatively helps me process my frustrations and emotions and it lets me express myself in a manner I find pleasing and interesting. It's different from other writing because it's entirely dependent on me I write what I want to write, and it doesn't matter what anyone else says about it because it's mine.
- It's been a lot of fun, being able to write and share with everyone, I know I've gotten to be a better writer. I'm really excited to see what cool stuff you guys do in the future. Good Luck.
Inspiring Post
You stood
Under massive pressure
You endured
Under constant Assault
You waited
Broken and battered
You Won
Cursed and Despised
You Stood
Still You stand
Thursday, November 30, 2017
101 things comments
Coral- It's really interesting that you are intense and have been called Intimidating, I've been told I can be intimidating as well.
You and I both struggle to connect with people our own age
You and I both love dark and grim writing
You and I both try to be confident, although I slip into arrogance more often than not
You made me think when you said that you don't like nationalism
I'd love to hear more about how complicated things interest you
You're an interesting person because you have a different sense of humor.
You and I both struggle to connect with people our own age
You and I both love dark and grim writing
You and I both try to be confident, although I slip into arrogance more often than not
You made me think when you said that you don't like nationalism
I'd love to hear more about how complicated things interest you
You're an interesting person because you have a different sense of humor.
Lily- It's really interesting that you have never been camping, going camping with my family while miserable is some of the most fun and memorable experiences I've had.
You and I both love dogs
You and I both are terrible at clay sculpting, everything ends up looking like mush
You and I both don't have much patience
You made me think with what you said about strongly believing in aliens, I certainly hope your right, life would be so much more interesting if their were.
I'd love to hear more about how you can read tarot cards, I've never met anyone who could and I'm curious now
You're such an interesting person because, you dread moving out
You and I both love dogs
You and I both are terrible at clay sculpting, everything ends up looking like mush
You and I both don't have much patience
You made me think with what you said about strongly believing in aliens, I certainly hope your right, life would be so much more interesting if their were.
I'd love to hear more about how you can read tarot cards, I've never met anyone who could and I'm curious now
You're such an interesting person because, you dread moving out
Carson- It's really interesting that you love to learn but hate school
You and I both think the Beatles are overrated
You and I both never remember our dreams
You and I both think The Incredibles is a great movie
You made me think with what you said about hoping there isn't an afterlife
I'd love to hear more about how you love to learn but hate school, I wonder if your reasoning are similar to mine
You're such an interesting person because you think that high school should be harder than it is
You and I both think the Beatles are overrated
You and I both never remember our dreams
You and I both think The Incredibles is a great movie
You made me think with what you said about hoping there isn't an afterlife
I'd love to hear more about how you love to learn but hate school, I wonder if your reasoning are similar to mine
You're such an interesting person because you think that high school should be harder than it is
101 Things About Me
- I love History, especially learning about great generals and leaders
- I'm about 6'2 but I really don't consider myself that tall
- I'm pretty dogmatic and tenacious when it comes to getting my way
- I'm a peacemaker I can't stand it if I feel like there is conflict in my life, not to say I don't like to fight I just like to fight and win then put it behind me.
- I love the city of San Antonio, from the architecture to the basketball team the Spurs
- I read at about 150 pages an hour, and I have very good comprehension
- My favorite type of music is metal, but I also listen to a lot of rap and rock
- I'm convinced that I was born in the wrong time period, I would have loved to a Roman soldier or a Samurai, basically I wish I could have been a warrior with a sword
- I love guns and explosives, if it goes boom then I probably like it
- I think the Empire in star wars were actually the good guys, they definitely improved the galaxy more than the Jedi
- I don't like Star Trek because I find it super unrealistic.
- I have a passion for the game Overwatch, it's one of the best games I've ever played, My favorite character is a bitter retired super soldier turned vigilante called Soldier 76, my next favorite is probably the Cowboy named McCree.
- I accidentally almost removed my left index finger from my hand while I was trimming trees, not to self try not to yank on something sharp when your hand is in the way of said sharp object
- I love to weight lift
- I think I have a very good work ethic
- I love dogs, but anything under thirty pounds is not a dog
- I have two cats Rocky and Adrian, Rocky is a fat tom cat who weighs like 20 pounds, Adrian is a slight almost perma kitten who weighs about 7 pounds
- I have too dogs named Piper and Athena, they are cattle dog corgi mixes
- My dogs are little nightmares who seemingly don't get tired, and are always doing things they shouldn't be
- I have a really bad temper, but I rarely lose control of it.
- I think Gal Gadot is the prettiest person I have ever seen.
- I tend to be a loner, just because I haven't found the right friends yet.
- I have a really high pain tolerance, which causes me to do stupid things like play pick up basketball on a sprained ankle, and not realize it was sprained until my mom asked me why I have a golf ball in my sock.
- I have very little patience for stupid people, or slow people my time is precious
- I wish I had super powers
- Sometimes I want to go into politics, and other times I think dealing with the current system would be a nightmare for an ethical person
- I want to be able to travel space within my life time
- I wish there was some where knew to explore, I want that feeling like the pioneers going westward, that self reliance and excitement, but maybe less cholera and typhoid fever would be great.
- I sometime wonder whether or not I could survive in the wilderness like the kid in the book Hatchet
- My dream house is a cabin in the middle of no where in one of the Dakota's it's got high speed internet, and a nice fire place.
- The left side of my body is more prominent, my left shoulder is higher and my ribs and sternum stick out farther on that side of my body.
- I'm a night owl if I had my way I'd spend my time awake from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. I just love the quit peacefulness and emptiness of night and the early morning
- I refuse to say things that I don't mean, the one exception to this is when I'm angry
- I have two little sisters who absolutely drive me insane
- My favorite book series right now is Malazan book of the Fallen
- I've always wanted to visit Vienna
- My favorite gun is the PARA .308 it just looks and sounds cool
- I would probably be considered pretty far right
- I think socialism is a stupid idea
- I wish that I could see all the stars in the night sky
- One day I will learn to play the guitar
- I wish I could write novels, but all my best writing seems to be short stories
- I spend way too much time on reddit
- I'm super competitive, losing sucks
- Dying young doesn't seem that bad to me, I don't want to get old enough to the point that I can't do what I want
- Most of the short stories I write have a cyclical theme to them and I don't know why
- My dream job would be a streamer on twitch, or an author
- I think I might want to go into politics one day
- I tend to be too honest
- I'm pretty emotionally distant, I hold pretty much every one at arms length emotionally
- I constantly hit my head on everything, it;s pretty inconvenient
- One of my favorite bands is August Burns Red
- I'm really hard on myself, I'm not a perfectionist, but I find it hard to be satisfied if I'm not one of the best
- Economics fascinates me especially by how fear driven it is
- I curse like a sailor, especially when I'm driving
- I eat almost constantly, there is no such thing as enough food when I'm around
- I think I would make a pretty good Viking
- I wish I could meet Alexander the Great
- Lacrosse seems like it's fun to play
- I'm a pretty cynical person
- Oreo blast from sonic are the best dessert ever, I will fight someone over this
- I hate spiders with a fiery passion, I would burn every last one of them alive and laugh maniacally as I did it'
- I'm pretty curious about everything, I once spent an hour reading about Chernobyl because I was bored in English class
- falling asleep next to a creek while reading a good book is amazing
- When I get my own house I want two American Alsatians, big dogs are great
- I want to go dog sledding in Alaska
- I love thunderstorms, I find them relaxing
- I have a bad habit of playing with fire
- I love to drive
- I tend to be a very logical person
- Lots of my writing tends to be cyclical
- I'm a very opinionated person
- I'm incredibly stubborn
- I'm very tenacious, especially when it comes to any type of physical activity
- I'm very easily distracted
- I get lost in my own thoughts a lot
- I'd rather go to the mountains than a beach
- I've been stung by a jellyfish before
- I've been stung by a yellow jacket twice, the second time made my leg swell up for 5 days
- I have a scar on my chin from where I fell while roller skating
- I'm right handed
- I've had tendinitis before, it sucks
- I used to run hurdles, but I grew and it ruined my coordination
- I could talk about fantasy books for hours
- my favorite movie is a Few Good Men
- I think it would be awesome to live a life like Alexander the Great's
- I can't stay still ever
- I like to learn about machines and how they work
- One day I want to learn how to track
- If the U.S. ever goes to war I will immediately volunteer
- I hope I'm as good as I think I am
- Top Gun is my second favorite movie
- I'm not afraid of public speaking
- Breakfast is the best meal of the day
- I act on instinct and reflex too often
- Compromise comes naturally to me
- I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees
- I tend to bottle my emotions up
- Pickup basketball is one of my favorite things to do
- I would hate to be a journalist for my job
- I am loyal to a fault
Monday, November 27, 2017
Dan in Real Life Questions
1.Yes I think writing about what you know is important, but writing about things you don't know about can be helpful in processing them. I don't think you have to be an expert to give advice, bit it certainly gives more weight to your advice.
2. Understand them and try to remember what you went through as a teen. Let them fail, and let them understand that nothing they can ever do will be bad enough that it will make you not love them. Remember you are there to coach and guide them, not to be their friend.
3. I would love to write a column for a Newspaper. I would write my opinions of the injustices that I see in the world. I'd like to think that it'd be funny in a sarcastic and satirical way.
8. A girl who can look me in the eye and tell me when I'm being stupid. I have a pretty strong personality, and I tend to be overbearing, so I need another person to help point out when I need to consider my actions. Most people are content to just follow me lead as I forge ahead, but I don't think that's healthy for me. I need someone to question me.
19. Yes I do, but I think the quality of your questions really give you a good idea of someones conversational skill. Anyone can ask a question, it's the people who ask a question that sparks an hour long conversation that are the really skilled conversationalist.
14. This is a hard question because I'm basically an open book I don't really keep secrets from anyone. I'm not ashamed of my past. I just move on. I guess it would have to be the amount of time that I was bullied, I was bullied from about kindergarten to around seventh grade. It took me a lot of time to kind of grow up and stop caring what people thought about me, and that's when I started to kind of grow into my own and becoming the person I am today.
21. Life is full of disappointment, the best way to deal with this is to focus on the things you do have not the things you don't. If you only focus on what you don't have you'll become really bitter, and it'll cause things to just get worse because you have a bad attitude, and it will just snowball from there.
2. Understand them and try to remember what you went through as a teen. Let them fail, and let them understand that nothing they can ever do will be bad enough that it will make you not love them. Remember you are there to coach and guide them, not to be their friend.
3. I would love to write a column for a Newspaper. I would write my opinions of the injustices that I see in the world. I'd like to think that it'd be funny in a sarcastic and satirical way.
8. A girl who can look me in the eye and tell me when I'm being stupid. I have a pretty strong personality, and I tend to be overbearing, so I need another person to help point out when I need to consider my actions. Most people are content to just follow me lead as I forge ahead, but I don't think that's healthy for me. I need someone to question me.
19. Yes I do, but I think the quality of your questions really give you a good idea of someones conversational skill. Anyone can ask a question, it's the people who ask a question that sparks an hour long conversation that are the really skilled conversationalist.
14. This is a hard question because I'm basically an open book I don't really keep secrets from anyone. I'm not ashamed of my past. I just move on. I guess it would have to be the amount of time that I was bullied, I was bullied from about kindergarten to around seventh grade. It took me a lot of time to kind of grow up and stop caring what people thought about me, and that's when I started to kind of grow into my own and becoming the person I am today.
21. Life is full of disappointment, the best way to deal with this is to focus on the things you do have not the things you don't. If you only focus on what you don't have you'll become really bitter, and it'll cause things to just get worse because you have a bad attitude, and it will just snowball from there.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
"Reel" Life Questions
One of my favorite movies is A Few Good Men. It's just the perfect blend of funny and serious. I've seen it a hundred times but every time I watch it I still laugh at the jokes and I'm always invested in it's story. It gives a good luck to what can be experienced in the military. Another of my favorite is Aladdin, I love Robin Williams as the Genie he just puts so much life into the character, and its kind of nostalgic for me because it's one of the movies that I grew up with. In fact I love pretty much anything with Robin Williams in it, he's just such a great actor everything he did seemed really genuine.
I can't stand romances I find them cliche and dumb. They all see like the same thing to me and I don't understand how some one could watch them and not be bored. I just don't get the appeal. Maybe it;s just because I find them really fake, and how the girl no matter what always falls for the guy. It never ever shows what happens when she chooses someone different.
I watch movies all the time usually on the weekends with my family downstairs in the basement. My puppies lay down in front of the T.V. with a bone (because that's the only way to keep them quite) and our big tomcat Rocky is all curled up in someones lap. We then watch a movie as a family sometimes a comedy or sometimes an action movie, but it's our favorite thing to do together.
I need something to eat and drink, I just can't focus unless I'm chewing on something or drinking something. I've been known to eat entire large popcorn buckets by myself, just because I'm not paying attention while I'm watching the movie I'm just absent mindlessly putting popcorn into my mouth.
The survey told me that I am really emotionally stable and that I am open to new experiences. It also told me that I would enjoy aggressive movies the most with a score of 100 percent. I'd say this is pretty true I love most of Quentin Tarantino's movies and his tend to be brutally violent.
If my life was made into a movie I would be played by Mathew Mcconaughey. The main plot points would be me moving too Texas, My life adjusting to Texas, Then me Moving to Springfield, and me then adjusting to Springfield and moving on to college.
I can't stand romances I find them cliche and dumb. They all see like the same thing to me and I don't understand how some one could watch them and not be bored. I just don't get the appeal. Maybe it;s just because I find them really fake, and how the girl no matter what always falls for the guy. It never ever shows what happens when she chooses someone different.
I watch movies all the time usually on the weekends with my family downstairs in the basement. My puppies lay down in front of the T.V. with a bone (because that's the only way to keep them quite) and our big tomcat Rocky is all curled up in someones lap. We then watch a movie as a family sometimes a comedy or sometimes an action movie, but it's our favorite thing to do together.
I need something to eat and drink, I just can't focus unless I'm chewing on something or drinking something. I've been known to eat entire large popcorn buckets by myself, just because I'm not paying attention while I'm watching the movie I'm just absent mindlessly putting popcorn into my mouth.
The survey told me that I am really emotionally stable and that I am open to new experiences. It also told me that I would enjoy aggressive movies the most with a score of 100 percent. I'd say this is pretty true I love most of Quentin Tarantino's movies and his tend to be brutally violent.
If my life was made into a movie I would be played by Mathew Mcconaughey. The main plot points would be me moving too Texas, My life adjusting to Texas, Then me Moving to Springfield, and me then adjusting to Springfield and moving on to college.
Movie quotes
"My name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my father prepare to die." - The Princess Bride
"It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong I am not a big man." - Fletch lives
"Did you wake me up? Did you Rub my lamp? Now all of a sudden you're walking out on me? I don't think so." - Aladdin
"It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong I am not a big man." - Fletch lives
"Did you wake me up? Did you Rub my lamp? Now all of a sudden you're walking out on me? I don't think so." - Aladdin
Thursday, November 2, 2017
First Draft Children's story: Mighty Mac Fights the Dragon.
Mighty Mac was a viking, known through out the land for his heroic deeds.
He fought monsters, and evil wizards, helping people everywhere.
One day he came upon a kingdom in big trouble.
A dragon had made his home in their mountains
His roaring from his cave made the villagers terribly frightened.
Mighty Mac went to the king and declared he would slay the dragon
Mighty Mac packed his bags he filled it with food and water and everything he would need
When he was finally ready to go he attached his ax of awesome to his belt.
He set off from the kingdom, ready to fight.
Mighty Mac climber the towering mountain, hearing the roaring of the dragon.
He climbed for days and days through the sunny, the rain, and the snow.
Finally he had reached the dragons cave.
He entered the cave, and he heard a mighty roar
As he approached the dragon he discovered, that was no roar it was merely a mighty snore.
He walked to the dragon as it woke up
"Excuse me?" he asked the dragon " Would you mind to try and be a little quieter your scaring the villagers?"
"Sure." the dragon replied, and he went back to bed.
I plan on illustrating the book by myself.
He fought monsters, and evil wizards, helping people everywhere.
One day he came upon a kingdom in big trouble.
A dragon had made his home in their mountains
His roaring from his cave made the villagers terribly frightened.
Mighty Mac went to the king and declared he would slay the dragon
Mighty Mac packed his bags he filled it with food and water and everything he would need
When he was finally ready to go he attached his ax of awesome to his belt.
He set off from the kingdom, ready to fight.
Mighty Mac climber the towering mountain, hearing the roaring of the dragon.
He climbed for days and days through the sunny, the rain, and the snow.
Finally he had reached the dragons cave.
He entered the cave, and he heard a mighty roar
As he approached the dragon he discovered, that was no roar it was merely a mighty snore.
He walked to the dragon as it woke up
"Excuse me?" he asked the dragon " Would you mind to try and be a little quieter your scaring the villagers?"
"Sure." the dragon replied, and he went back to bed.
I plan on illustrating the book by myself.
Friday, October 20, 2017
Books for Kids
Iggy Peck Architect
by Andrea Beaty
Illustrated by David Roberts
Yes, It says that she likes tall things, the books she has written, and where she lives.
It's Iggy standing on the title drawing plans to continue building his castle. A woman and a cat are watching him. The woman has a disapproving look on her face. There is another building that looked like he built it next to his castle.
The characters are Iggy Peck, his parents, his class, and his teacher Mrs. Lila Greer
It takes place in his house, his class and a small green island with a bridge too it.
Iggy loves to build things, he wants to be an architect. His teacher is afraid of tall buildings and bans Iggy from building. He then uses his building skills to save his teacher and class.
This book has rhyming, it teaches a lesson, has kids as characters, has adults as characters, it uses humor, it has illustrations, it uses color, and it has a lot of words per page.
"With no chance to build his interest was killed."
6-7 years old because it's around the same age as Iggy so he would be more relate-able to them.
Definitely the illustrations are very detailed and it's about a topic I would have found very interesting.
by Andrea Beaty
Illustrated by David Roberts
Yes, It says that she likes tall things, the books she has written, and where she lives.
It's Iggy standing on the title drawing plans to continue building his castle. A woman and a cat are watching him. The woman has a disapproving look on her face. There is another building that looked like he built it next to his castle.
The characters are Iggy Peck, his parents, his class, and his teacher Mrs. Lila Greer
It takes place in his house, his class and a small green island with a bridge too it.
Iggy loves to build things, he wants to be an architect. His teacher is afraid of tall buildings and bans Iggy from building. He then uses his building skills to save his teacher and class.
This book has rhyming, it teaches a lesson, has kids as characters, has adults as characters, it uses humor, it has illustrations, it uses color, and it has a lot of words per page.
"With no chance to build his interest was killed."
6-7 years old because it's around the same age as Iggy so he would be more relate-able to them.
Definitely the illustrations are very detailed and it's about a topic I would have found very interesting.
About the author
Garrett Peck lives in Springfield Missouri with his parents, his two little sisters, his two puppies, and his two cats. When he's not writing he enjoys playing basketball and video games. He wrote this book because he loves to make people laugh, and help them learn.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Childhood Questions
6. My favorite cartoon when I was little is easily Lunatics Unleashed. It's about the loony tunes becoming super heroes in a sci-fi world. It was always really cool because I loved the loony tunes, and I love super heroes so it was kind of the best of both worlds for me. It has stuck with me because it is such a unique concept, there really is nothing like it. I was go see it if it was made into a Hollywood blockbuster, even if it was terrible, just because the concept of it would be enough for me to hope that it would be good.
12. When I was four I had a streak of just constantly having strep. It was literally me getting strep like seven times in a row before my parents finally got my tonsils removed. I really remember having to drink the medicine that had a bubble gum flavor and was pink just like it. That taste is so recognizable, and it actually brings back good memories, instead of the bad because I was you know sick all the time. I remember after getting my tonsils removed I had this cool bunk bed where the top was my bed and the bottom was a futon. I remember laying on the bottom eating ice cream and watching a cool dinosaur movie. I still remember that movie and I know that it's actually on Netflix right now.
14. My favorite books growing up were the fablehaven series by Brandon Mull. It's a story about these wildlife preserves, that instead of the run of the mill lions, tigers, and bears (Oh My) they have dragons, fairies and other mythological creatures. They have to fight to keep theses preserves safe and the boundaries between the creatures in place. It's very dangerous because not all of the creatures are the friendly. Which makes sense trolls are famous for eating people after all. The sense of adventure and discovery that these books gave me was really changed my life. It is a series that I plan on reading to my kids just because one there really good books and hold up well even at my age now, and I feel like it would be a good way to get my kids interested in reading like I am.
34. This is going to sound arrogant, but I was the one who learned to believe in myself. I got tired of being beat down by bullies though most of middle school, so I decided that I was the only person that I needed, that I could do anything that I wanted or needed to do. So I developed this uncompromising belief of my abilities. It's made me very independent, I can't stand relying on other people. It's also made it very difficult for me to ask for help. Which has forced me to develop excellent researching and problem solving skills because I refuse to do the easy and rational thing and just ask for help. Maybe one day I learn that I can't do everything by myself, I'll probably have to learn it the hard way. That's pretty much how I learn anything anyways.
12. When I was four I had a streak of just constantly having strep. It was literally me getting strep like seven times in a row before my parents finally got my tonsils removed. I really remember having to drink the medicine that had a bubble gum flavor and was pink just like it. That taste is so recognizable, and it actually brings back good memories, instead of the bad because I was you know sick all the time. I remember after getting my tonsils removed I had this cool bunk bed where the top was my bed and the bottom was a futon. I remember laying on the bottom eating ice cream and watching a cool dinosaur movie. I still remember that movie and I know that it's actually on Netflix right now.
14. My favorite books growing up were the fablehaven series by Brandon Mull. It's a story about these wildlife preserves, that instead of the run of the mill lions, tigers, and bears (Oh My) they have dragons, fairies and other mythological creatures. They have to fight to keep theses preserves safe and the boundaries between the creatures in place. It's very dangerous because not all of the creatures are the friendly. Which makes sense trolls are famous for eating people after all. The sense of adventure and discovery that these books gave me was really changed my life. It is a series that I plan on reading to my kids just because one there really good books and hold up well even at my age now, and I feel like it would be a good way to get my kids interested in reading like I am.
34. This is going to sound arrogant, but I was the one who learned to believe in myself. I got tired of being beat down by bullies though most of middle school, so I decided that I was the only person that I needed, that I could do anything that I wanted or needed to do. So I developed this uncompromising belief of my abilities. It's made me very independent, I can't stand relying on other people. It's also made it very difficult for me to ask for help. Which has forced me to develop excellent researching and problem solving skills because I refuse to do the easy and rational thing and just ask for help. Maybe one day I learn that I can't do everything by myself, I'll probably have to learn it the hard way. That's pretty much how I learn anything anyways.
Monday, October 16, 2017
Shadows Deepen - Color Story
The blackness enveloped me. I stood in an empty cavern I could see nothing around me. All I knew was darkness, an impenetrable void of nothingness around me. I began to blindly feel my way around for something to give me a guide in this void. I started to walk with my hands out in front of me desperately grasping for something, anything.
I kept moving the oppressive darkness started to lighten. I still couldn't make anything out but the void was slowly turning into a dark Slate, I gave me hope that this massive sameness shouldn't stay the like this forever. The haze of gray slowly cleared.
I then reached a warmly lit cave. A flowing river of lava separated the cave into two halves. Shadows danced on the wall, as I moved around the cave searching for an exit, using the dim light of the lava. The glow helped lead me to what appeared to be an exit. As I took the exit the orange glow surrendered to a light.
Finally I had reached the outside world, I basked in the sunlight. Happy to be out of that oppressive prison, I walked through a field and stared in awe of the sunflowers and dandelions. I closed my eyes and tilted my face up towards the sun, I felt its warmth and was finally content. I had survived the darkness to the warm yellow of the light of the sun.
I kept moving the oppressive darkness started to lighten. I still couldn't make anything out but the void was slowly turning into a dark Slate, I gave me hope that this massive sameness shouldn't stay the like this forever. The haze of gray slowly cleared.
I then reached a warmly lit cave. A flowing river of lava separated the cave into two halves. Shadows danced on the wall, as I moved around the cave searching for an exit, using the dim light of the lava. The glow helped lead me to what appeared to be an exit. As I took the exit the orange glow surrendered to a light.
Finally I had reached the outside world, I basked in the sunlight. Happy to be out of that oppressive prison, I walked through a field and stared in awe of the sunflowers and dandelions. I closed my eyes and tilted my face up towards the sun, I felt its warmth and was finally content. I had survived the darkness to the warm yellow of the light of the sun.
Friday, October 13, 2017
Dream threads
This is what madness sounds like I thought to myself as I listened to the horrific sounds of a city being sacked. This had been a long bloody siege, one that makes soldiers ache for revenge, from those who dared to defy them for so long. I felt the need to stop them, but knew that even as their commander I couldn't, this would be better in the end other cities would surrender quicker than to suffer this punishment.
As I watched my once disciplined soldiers let loose their rage and anguish upon the city, I lost myself deep in thought and my plans. This was my first strike too uniting the shattered princedoms of the empire. I must unite them to stop the savage hordes of the south, before they came upon us like the crashing waves of the coast.
I just needed these fickle Princes to acknowledge my rule, I needed their obedience. I cared not for their loyalty it was necessary for my purposes, and irrelevant once their power was broken. They were foolishly refusing to unite against me to eager to watch pettily as their rivals fell before me one by one. This must end we must become the empire we were meant too so long ago. They would resist me. Why should I let that hold me back?
As I watched my once disciplined soldiers let loose their rage and anguish upon the city, I lost myself deep in thought and my plans. This was my first strike too uniting the shattered princedoms of the empire. I must unite them to stop the savage hordes of the south, before they came upon us like the crashing waves of the coast.
I just needed these fickle Princes to acknowledge my rule, I needed their obedience. I cared not for their loyalty it was necessary for my purposes, and irrelevant once their power was broken. They were foolishly refusing to unite against me to eager to watch pettily as their rivals fell before me one by one. This must end we must become the empire we were meant too so long ago. They would resist me. Why should I let that hold me back?
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Comments: Artist Inspired Pieces
I really like the similar feel to both of these stories. It sounds like something you would find on a conspiracy theorist web site. They also feel linked together even though they are based upon different pieces. It reads like a monologue of someone telling me why I shouldn't trust the government.
You have a very funny style of writing that I really appreciate. Your optimistic vision of the future is really interesting, your thoughts on the one world culture really made me think about what it would look like. This piece really made me think about the future, and I really enjoyed it.
The way you described the storm was really vivid, it brought back memories of really bad thunderstorms that I have experienced. I'm actually from Dallas, and I know how hard it is to find stuff to do there if you don't know what to look for. Awesome job with the story.
This is very informative, I recognized those famous pieces but I never knew who had painted them until today. I think the first one is especially powerful, due to it's representation of the French revolution. I also like that you linked the second piece to something more modern in the Vietnam war.
The first story started off really creepy, until you discovered it was just his dad, it was also very realistic I could imagine something like that actually happening to me. The second story while not as realistic is still interesting, you interpreted to mean that the ship was just stuck. I thought it as the ship was being pulled back into to the city by some mysterious force.
You have a very funny style of writing that I really appreciate. Your optimistic vision of the future is really interesting, your thoughts on the one world culture really made me think about what it would look like. This piece really made me think about the future, and I really enjoyed it.
The way you described the storm was really vivid, it brought back memories of really bad thunderstorms that I have experienced. I'm actually from Dallas, and I know how hard it is to find stuff to do there if you don't know what to look for. Awesome job with the story.
This is very informative, I recognized those famous pieces but I never knew who had painted them until today. I think the first one is especially powerful, due to it's representation of the French revolution. I also like that you linked the second piece to something more modern in the Vietnam war.
The first story started off really creepy, until you discovered it was just his dad, it was also very realistic I could imagine something like that actually happening to me. The second story while not as realistic is still interesting, you interpreted to mean that the ship was just stuck. I thought it as the ship was being pulled back into to the city by some mysterious force.
Dream Marks Writing

The exhaustion of my body makes every movement a battle of will. I struggle to focus and not to drift off. The mistake of not getting enough sleep weighs heavy on my body. It cries out for sleep even as my will struggles against that urge. The need to continue on with my day overrides the calling of sleep. I tell myself never again will I stay up that late knowing that I would do it again.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
He Finally Understood: A Harris Burdick Inspired story
The door had always been the least favorite part of his house. It was strange, way to small for a normal person to comfortably use, and it had this sense of wrongness about it. Whenever he looked at it through the corner of his eye he could’ve sworn he could see symbols traveling along it, His heart was pounding. He was sure he had seen the door knob turn. He hurried to grab the can of paint he had come to the basement for. He then turned his back toward the door and quickly walked up the stairs, until he heard a creaking behind him. He whipped around and stared at the door. It hadn’t moved, he shook his head convinced that he was just imagining things. He then continued up the stairs, as he left the basement he let go of the breath he didn’t realized he was holding. The tension left his body as he locked the basement door. He thought he was being paranoid but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong with that door.
He awoke to the sound of something moving through his house, he could hear the opening and closing of drawers and doors. He prepared himself to go and investigate, when the door to his room began to open. He instantly froze and feigned like he was sleeping. He peeked and saw that the door was wide open. Standing in the frame was a creature that defied reality. It’s face was frozen in a grotesque smile that defied it’s cold dead eyes. It was incredibly tall with lanky limbs that seemed to have no weight to them. It moved towards his bed with a smooth gait that seemed so incredibly normal. He scrambled up to the other side of the bed. It didn’t even react to his movement, except to adjust its path towards him. As it approached it simply asked him “ Why did you ignore the door?” By the time the last word had been spoke the monster had reached him. It towered over him, looking down upon him with those beady black eyes. As he stared into them he began to see the door, and the symbols, he finally understood.
They found the man’s body in his basement with his hand wrapped around a doorknob, His eyes had turned a deep inky black and his face had a look of profound terror. The Forensic experts were puzzled they could not understand how the man had died he had no marks upon his body, and no sign of any damage at all. It was late at night when finally there was only one police officer there to guard this crime scene. The officer decided to check the basement, he didn’t know why he just felt uneasy about it.
He made his way down the basement stairs, staring at that little door. It seemed wrong, impossible, like it shouldn’t exist. How such a mundane thing could give off such a feeling the officer did not know. He froze on the steps as he could see the doorknob slowly turn. The door opened and the creature seemingly unfolded from it. He was petrified with fear he couldn’t move or think. The creature approached and he stared into the void of those eyes, and he finally understood.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Window Poem
A band of trees
The beautiful open sky
The leaves are falling
Sometimes I think I'm like those leaves
The sun sinks down, it's light retreating
A deer traveling through the trees
A family of Ducks nesting near a pond
The beautiful open sky
The leaves are falling
Sometimes I think I'm like those leaves
The sun sinks down, it's light retreating
A deer traveling through the trees
A family of Ducks nesting near a pond
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Artist Poems
The prison fell, and I rejoiced
My bonds had been destroyed
I was free
I must have my revenge
The crimes committed
Must not go unanswered
The tragedies befallen me
Will be there final regret
With revenge
I will find Peace
They watched as people passed them by
Forgetful of the old ways
The traditions of mankind
Forgotten they had lost their power
But not their ambition
A return to the old ways
A restoration of how things were
Until then they would wait, and watch
Patiently waiting for a return
An awakening of the truth
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Favorite Quotes
"It doesn't require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires to people's minds."- Samuel Adams
"If a man neglects to enforce his rights, he cannot complain if after a while, the law follows his example."- Oliver Wendell Holmes
"Tell them of us and say, For their tomorrow We gave our today."- Kohima Epitaph
"In the end what separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No, a man chooses, and a slave obeys!" Andrew Ryan - Bioshock
"No one rises so high as he who knows not whither he is going" - Oliver Cromwell
"The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood." - Otto von Bismarck
"Nearly all mean can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
"The mob is the mother of Tyrants."- Diogenes
"In a rich amn's house there is no place to sput but his face." - Diogenes
"If a man neglects to enforce his rights, he cannot complain if after a while, the law follows his example."- Oliver Wendell Holmes
"Tell them of us and say, For their tomorrow We gave our today."- Kohima Epitaph
"In the end what separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No, a man chooses, and a slave obeys!" Andrew Ryan - Bioshock
"No one rises so high as he who knows not whither he is going" - Oliver Cromwell
"The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood." - Otto von Bismarck
"Nearly all mean can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
"The mob is the mother of Tyrants."- Diogenes
"In a rich amn's house there is no place to sput but his face." - Diogenes
Artist profile: AI Weiwei
Ai weiwei is a Chinese artist who was born on August 28, 1957 in Beijing, China. His father was the famous Chinese poet Ai Qing, and his mother was Gao Ying a stay at home mother. He has a younger sister Ai Xuan. He started his schooling at the Beijing film Academy, then he moved to America and studied first at University of Pennsylvania then at University of California Berkeley.
Some important world events that happened during Ai Weiwei life are the fall of the Soviet Union, the Cultural Revolution of China, the Vietnam war, 9/11, and the Iraq War. One thing that most people would not know about Ai Weiwei is that his father was Ai Qing.
The Mediums that Ai Weiwei uses are Film, sculptures, photography, and architecture. The movement that Ai is most associated with is Excessivism. His most famous works are Sunflower Seeds, Beijing National stadium, and Dropping Han dynasty Urn. The two pieces that I could write about are Dropping the Han dynasty urn, which is him taking pictures of himself dropping an ancient Han urn. I could also write about The Circle of Animal Heads, which is just sculptures of animal heads in a circle.
Monday, October 2, 2017
Fist Line and Last Line Make Them Yours
"Of all the things that drive men to sea, the most common disaster, I've come to learn, is women." -
The old question rings particularly true, is it better to have love lost or to never have loved at all. I wish I would have never loved at all. To never know the pain of having your heart ripped out as someone you loved betrayed you would be worth never loving. It creates this howling emptiness a void of hatred and regret. All other feelings are numb with in your chest. The disgust that simple memories could bring. So I ran. I ran until I hit an ocean, and decided that I had found the perfect escape. The next day I had enlisted in the Emperor's Navy. I was stationed on the HMS Charlemagne, the flag ship of the entire navy. After ten years of service fighting pirates, raiders, and massive monsters of the deep ocean. After distinguishing myself in many battles and skirmishes I was finally given my captaincy. My first assignment was the dreadnought the HMS Attila. We immediately sailed off to patrol the fat reaches of the empire. as we finally reached our destination in the cold winter north, we ran into a raider fleet. I called for my ship to go into battle stations as I sent a message warning the empire of the oncoming enemy. We set course directly for the center of the raider formation. We entered the center of the formation all of our weapons firing. After minutes of constant firing, we begin to take heavy damage. My men began to give their lives to continue to fire at the raiders. Suddenly I found myself on the ground unsure of how I got there. I continued to bark orders until I saw my second in command in my vision. I told him "... you must go on, I can't go on, I'll go on." As everything faded to black.
The old question rings particularly true, is it better to have love lost or to never have loved at all. I wish I would have never loved at all. To never know the pain of having your heart ripped out as someone you loved betrayed you would be worth never loving. It creates this howling emptiness a void of hatred and regret. All other feelings are numb with in your chest. The disgust that simple memories could bring. So I ran. I ran until I hit an ocean, and decided that I had found the perfect escape. The next day I had enlisted in the Emperor's Navy. I was stationed on the HMS Charlemagne, the flag ship of the entire navy. After ten years of service fighting pirates, raiders, and massive monsters of the deep ocean. After distinguishing myself in many battles and skirmishes I was finally given my captaincy. My first assignment was the dreadnought the HMS Attila. We immediately sailed off to patrol the fat reaches of the empire. as we finally reached our destination in the cold winter north, we ran into a raider fleet. I called for my ship to go into battle stations as I sent a message warning the empire of the oncoming enemy. We set course directly for the center of the raider formation. We entered the center of the formation all of our weapons firing. After minutes of constant firing, we begin to take heavy damage. My men began to give their lives to continue to fire at the raiders. Suddenly I found myself on the ground unsure of how I got there. I continued to bark orders until I saw my second in command in my vision. I told him "... you must go on, I can't go on, I'll go on." As everything faded to black.
Memorable Passage
"Men and women, Canadian and American, who have been born in the concept, instilled in the idea, of liberty. These people of the fields, woods and mountains, pour from these regions to fill our military. Not, as many city folk think, because they're poor or desperate but because this is their essential nature. No person is happy to give their life, but the people of this region believe that there is something larger than their selves. Not just God, although many are believers in God, but a vision, a philosophy, a shared belief in freedom and justice and the battle against tyranny. From their mother's milk they are filled with this belief, that to die in the cause of freedom brings not heaven but a better place here on Earth for succeeding generations." - Live Free Or Die - John Ringo
This passage really speaks to me because I really feel the same way. I believe that freedom truly is worth dying for. It is something that is precious for me. I do see my goal that before I leave this Earth I want it to be a better place not only for my children but for everybody on the planet. The fact that they're judged by the city people that the only do this because they're poor or desperate, but because they believe in something. This belief is something that I think is beginning to disappear with all of the political infighting that America is facing. I hope that we can make a comeback, and return to the time where freedom is more important than anything else.
This passage really speaks to me because I really feel the same way. I believe that freedom truly is worth dying for. It is something that is precious for me. I do see my goal that before I leave this Earth I want it to be a better place not only for my children but for everybody on the planet. The fact that they're judged by the city people that the only do this because they're poor or desperate, but because they believe in something. This belief is something that I think is beginning to disappear with all of the political infighting that America is facing. I hope that we can make a comeback, and return to the time where freedom is more important than anything else.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Writers as Readers
2. I absolutely love Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Historical fiction. It's mainly because I find these genres to be very deep and unique. Many of the ones that I like tend to be very dark, realistic, and violent. I hate it never feels like the main characters are ever at risk of losing anything. I absolutely love that feeling that no one is invincible that George R. R. Martin has mastered. I also love to read from the perspective of villains and anti-Heroes. It's helped me develop a belief that everyone is the hero of their own story even the worst of us.
3. I don't really know who I write like. I know that when I take certain tones in my writing I tend to write like a writer that uses that tone a lot. Like when I write humor it tends to be like Mark Twain or Voltaire. It's very sarcastic and condescending. When I write in a very dark way it kind of sounds like Steven Erickson because it's very matter of fact, and straight up, I don't ever use allusions, or anything or than plainly saying it.
5. When I first picked up Gardens of The Moon by Steven Erickson, I could not put it down. The complexity and the interlocking of different story arcs made it like a puzzle and it was just driving me crazy to figure it out until I finished the book. 1984 is easily the most boring book I have ever read. Honestly it's a terrible novel, I probably would love it if Kurt Vonnegut wrote it, but George Orwell is such a dry writer he would be more at home writing for a newspaper than writing novels. It's so factual with little to no illusion, he writes as if he actually lived in the universe of 1984.
11. When I write it's solely for me to say what I want too, how I want too. I have a very independent spirit, and I hate to feel like I have to change how I act to please some one else. So my writing is very aggressive and in your face, and I often have to resist the urge to write obscenely just to rub it in people's face. I have to restrain myself to use it when it actually is necessary for the story. I often write to offend just to prove that I can, maybe it's because I'm a rebellious teen.
3. I don't really know who I write like. I know that when I take certain tones in my writing I tend to write like a writer that uses that tone a lot. Like when I write humor it tends to be like Mark Twain or Voltaire. It's very sarcastic and condescending. When I write in a very dark way it kind of sounds like Steven Erickson because it's very matter of fact, and straight up, I don't ever use allusions, or anything or than plainly saying it.
5. When I first picked up Gardens of The Moon by Steven Erickson, I could not put it down. The complexity and the interlocking of different story arcs made it like a puzzle and it was just driving me crazy to figure it out until I finished the book. 1984 is easily the most boring book I have ever read. Honestly it's a terrible novel, I probably would love it if Kurt Vonnegut wrote it, but George Orwell is such a dry writer he would be more at home writing for a newspaper than writing novels. It's so factual with little to no illusion, he writes as if he actually lived in the universe of 1984.
11. When I write it's solely for me to say what I want too, how I want too. I have a very independent spirit, and I hate to feel like I have to change how I act to please some one else. So my writing is very aggressive and in your face, and I often have to resist the urge to write obscenely just to rub it in people's face. I have to restrain myself to use it when it actually is necessary for the story. I often write to offend just to prove that I can, maybe it's because I'm a rebellious teen.
Comments: Object Writing
Hey Jourdin I had tons of toy soldiers to so this really brought back some good memories. Good Job!
Hey Alyssa, Wow this is really good, The way the twins played off each other was amazing.
Hey Carson, This is a fascinating concept that you do a good job of explaining in a page.
Hey Alyssa, Wow this is really good, The way the twins played off each other was amazing.
Hey Carson, This is a fascinating concept that you do a good job of explaining in a page.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Caged Bird Poem: The Choice of The Lion
Freedom worth so much
Yet comes with a heavy cost
Difficult to keep, but can never be truly lost
An unimaginable burden worth all hardships
Freedom worth dying for
The Lion or the Lamb
Freedom or Slavery
A path of hardship or a path of ease
You make the choice
For no one can make it for you
Yet comes with a heavy cost
Difficult to keep, but can never be truly lost
An unimaginable burden worth all hardships
Freedom worth dying for
The Lion or the Lamb
Freedom or Slavery
A path of hardship or a path of ease
You make the choice
For no one can make it for you
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Maya Angelou Questions response
10. The hardest part about writing is to convey wait I'm trying to say in a way that doesn't require the context and assumptions that I have in my own head. I often write assuming perfect communication of ideas. I really struggle to limit my references to things that other people who haven't studied history as deeply as I have will get. Part of that is just how righting is no author has ever had their work been read by a hundred people and have a hundred people get the exact message the author was trying to say. Being a good writer is an impossible skill to master, even some of the writers I look up too (Brandon Sanderson, Eric Flint, Robert Jordan, Steven Erikson, John Ringo.) all have strengths and weaknesses in their writing, John Ringo writes basically the same character every time, but it works because he does it very well. Brandon Sanderson characters can be one dimensional, even as his world building is absolutely phenomenal. It's an art form that is constantly changing even as the words stay the same.
8. There is a world of difference between truth and fact. A fact is something that is objectively true, but it's something that can be manipulated into portraying something that is fundamentally not true. The truth is a a collection of facts that are interpreted correctly. One can present facts in a way that can change the presumed truth of them. The truth is something that you can say and instantly everyone's head in the room is nodding.
1. She said the reason the caged bird sings is because it's screaming. I disagree with this idea that we as individual people are caged. We always have choices it's just that we often don't like the consequences from those decisions. It is impossible to take a person's will away from them. Human's can always make their own choices. Even as someone holds a gun to your head and tells you to do something you still have a choice not to do it. This bird cage has the door wide open, the only problem is that their is a hungry cat waiting for us to fly out. We either get to stay in the safe cage or dare to face the cat.
5. I think I could go five years without talking. I'm a pretty introverted person. I really do enjoy my time alone, and I can just listen to people telling stories for hours. I think it depends on who I'm with I can talk a lot. I think I strike a good balance between how much I talk and how much I listen.
8. There is a world of difference between truth and fact. A fact is something that is objectively true, but it's something that can be manipulated into portraying something that is fundamentally not true. The truth is a a collection of facts that are interpreted correctly. One can present facts in a way that can change the presumed truth of them. The truth is something that you can say and instantly everyone's head in the room is nodding.
1. She said the reason the caged bird sings is because it's screaming. I disagree with this idea that we as individual people are caged. We always have choices it's just that we often don't like the consequences from those decisions. It is impossible to take a person's will away from them. Human's can always make their own choices. Even as someone holds a gun to your head and tells you to do something you still have a choice not to do it. This bird cage has the door wide open, the only problem is that their is a hungry cat waiting for us to fly out. We either get to stay in the safe cage or dare to face the cat.
5. I think I could go five years without talking. I'm a pretty introverted person. I really do enjoy my time alone, and I can just listen to people telling stories for hours. I think it depends on who I'm with I can talk a lot. I think I strike a good balance between how much I talk and how much I listen.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
If I Were in Charge of the World Poem
If I were in charge of the world
I'd cancel Stupidity,
speed limits,
waiting and also
Oscar Bait Movies
If I were in charge of the World
there'd be Video Games
Space ships and
If I were in charge of the world
you wouldn't have Bad Internet
you wouldn't have passive aggressive people
you wouldn't have a bad time
or "people telling me I'm right."
You wouldn't even have to be told that.
If I were in charge of the world
an oatmeal cream pie would be a vegetable
All Horror movies would be good
and a person who sometimes forgot how to be serious
and sometimes forgot to be humble
would still be allowed to be
in charge of the world.
I'd cancel Stupidity,
speed limits,
waiting and also
Oscar Bait Movies
If I were in charge of the World
there'd be Video Games
Space ships and
If I were in charge of the world
you wouldn't have Bad Internet
you wouldn't have passive aggressive people
you wouldn't have a bad time
or "people telling me I'm right."
You wouldn't even have to be told that.
If I were in charge of the world
an oatmeal cream pie would be a vegetable
All Horror movies would be good
and a person who sometimes forgot how to be serious
and sometimes forgot to be humble
would still be allowed to be
in charge of the world.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Color Poem- Narrative
Color Poem- Free Verse
Color Poetry- Acrostic
Depths unknown
Endless paths
Enduring all
Power of an ancient existence
Enter If you dare
All beware
Roots of Mountains
Testament to Awe
How do you exist
Endless paths
Enduring all
Power of an ancient existence
Enter If you dare
All beware
Roots of Mountains
Testament to Awe
How do you exist
Color Poetry- 2 haikus
Thursday, August 31, 2017
The End of The Cycle
The Hunter brushed past a large oak tree. He suddenly stopped bent down and stared intently at the ground as if he was reading a book. He slowly stood, apparently satisfied with what he saw, he then took a deep breath and continued on to his hunt. He knew that his prey was close, He knew not how his prey continued to elude him. This was no mere buck, this was the Spirit of the Forest. He hunted not out of necessity but out of challenge. Change was coming and he was it's harbinger.
He was exhausted of the endless cycle, never changing always chained to the past and traditions: the old way, no innovation, and seemingly no better way. He was determined he was going to change things, he would spark a cataclysmic shift that would see him remembered by the tribes forever. They would speak of his actions for endless generations.
He continued to move and track, staying vigilant and always moving, until finally he came upon a clearing and found the Spirit waiting for him, in the guise of the mighty buck. The Hunter approached head held high, bow strung and ready. “Why have you hunted me O’ Hunter of the tribes.” the Spirit asked.
“I seek change.” The Hunter replied.
“I see.” The Spirit continued “Take my life and realize your folly.”
The Spirit stood proudly as the Hunter drew back his bow. His hands trembled as he drew the bow back. As he exhaled he released, the arrow flow straight and true into the buck's massive chest. The Spirit fell to the ground with out a sound. The hunter stood frozen in disbelief unable to grasp what he had done. He whipped around as he heard a deep rumbling laugh. It was coming from a mountainous bear. "I told you mortal." the bear said. I am the forest I have been here for a thousand eons, and I'll be here for a thousand more." the bear continued "Realize the futility of your pitiful attempt at change, nature changes for no man."
He now understood his folly. He had not broken the endless cycle, the ever turning wheel of time, he had simply continued its turn. He had failed. He wept bitterly. He had failed change would not be coming to anything. He had only helped that which he hated. He knew not what he would do. When he finally was resigned to live in the old ways, the only way he thought bitterly. He began the journey to his home.
The Hunter stumbled into the camp of his tribe, the Elders looked upon him with a knowing gaze. He looked back with a despair that broke the hearts of all who looked upon him. He now understood their condemnations of his actions, he knew why they had called out to him telling him that this hunt was foolish.
He finally spoke “Why must we live like this?”
They replied with one bitter voice “Would you show us a better way?”
I was inspired by some of the prehistoric objects, and some of my objects that made me remember why I dislike a lot of traditions.
Monday, August 21, 2017
I am Poem
I am…
The violent summer thunderstorm, but only when I lose my temper, I am the cold winter night hiding the warm cozy cabin within
The Driven young man always looking for answers and a better way, The difference maker, The peacemaker
The seaside cliff being washed over by the waves, The mountain resisting change
The dogmatic paladin living by a code, The guard dog of the flock of sheep
The concerned older brother, and the sarcastic son
I am…
The yelling at the computer screen when I lose, The fiery competitor who has a need to win in all things no matter how small.
The playing ball with my puppies
The biting sarcastic comments, The mocking grin, and The cold angry eyes
The smile that comes with a simple “Don’t smile”
The basketball bouncy on the pavement late at night
The late night of procrastination
I am…
The trainer of my two puppies, who frustrate me like nothing else but make up for it with cuteness
The Brother to my sister's, annoying but I love them
The son to my parents, who guide me even when I insist on doing things the hard way
The cousin to my many cousins who are even more irritating than my little sisters
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