A picture of brokenness, a fallen majesty, a mighty mountain brought low by the power of the water. Carved by the constant pressure of the water. You fought to keep your shape, to never surrender to the unceasing flow. Even as pieces of you were lost you still stand here. Broken and crippled, but you stand you resisted, and as the ground around you was torn asunder you stood. Never backing down you stood. The rage of the water was tangible in it's furious assault. You stood passionless, a cold mighty defender. The picture of stubbornness, You waited, because you new that it could not last forever, if you stood long enough you could hold forever. So that's what you did you stood because you could do no other. Every so slowly you could feel the wave and power of the water begin to weaken, the ground below it could not support it's assault. It began to sink into the channels formed by the pressure it put on the weaker ground. As it fell it's attacks grew desperate, even as they grew futile. Your victory was almost here. You knew the battle was won. After the struggle of eon you had emerged victorious, beaten and battered, yes, but hardly defeated. They water cursed the weakness of the ground below ti and promised a revenge. You took this with the stoicism that you took everything else, you cared not you were a mountain your purpose was to endure and nothing would change that.
You stood
Under massive pressure
You endured
Under constant Assault
You waited
Broken and battered
You Won
Cursed and Despised
You Stood
Still You stand
This semester has been so great. Ive made great memories with you guys and ill never forget them. Even though this is my last day of highschool, ill still be around. Thank you for being such great company. Have a great Christmas Break!